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Building a Scalable Mobile App: The Best Practices for Today's Marketers

Designing and deploying an app is rarely simple. Customer needs are constantly evolving and your app probably looks and functions much differently today than when it was first released. The success of any modern application relies on how well it can adapt and grow along with customer needs—which requires your developers having the ability to easily build new features that inspire engagement and outperform competitors.

While you can’t always predict future trends and opportunities, you can build your app with scalability and identity at the core. If you follow the five principles below, you’ll be able to provide experiences that customers trust and enjoy, even as trends change:

1.Build for the customer

First and foremost, it’s essential to think about what a customer wants. By doing so, you will set yourself apart from competitors by creating a platform that delivers the products and services customers expect. With a solid understanding of what your customer wants, you can build an app that is built to scale—creating one that runs across multiple devices and operating systems.

For example, Apple may release a new iPhone and several versions of iOS. Because Apple makes great products, many customers may upgrade their device every year or two, even when the latest model isn’t available yet. You can use this idea to build a “just in time” app that adapts to the needs of your customers.

2. Invest in UX

It sounds simple, but creating a brand-new app requires you to get out of your comfort zone and think differently.

Your core data will likely have shifted to a different location, so you’ll have to build a responsive app that will be used on mobile devices of all sizes. It’s also likely your app will feature different content than when it was first launched.

In addition, it’s important to think about your ability to scale your app. When your product becomes wildly popular, that demand can affect the performance and reliability of your app and the resources you have to handle it. You need to factor these considerations into your decision to build an app or not.

User interfaces (UIs) are, by nature, updated as well as developed over time.

3.Design your API with scalability in mind

The best way to build an API is to first make sure it’s scalable. A scalable API helps developers avoid the problems that often arise when implementing a scalable technology.

This is the case, for example, for mobile app backends—or those systems used for hosting apps on an Android or iOS device. Developers must carefully plan the API services they’ll need for their next version of an app, and adapt accordingly when they run into scaling issues with the platform they’re using to support their app. In addition, as apps get more popular, scalability becomes even more of a challenge.

Developers should provide a scalable API that’s always running, and they should pay close attention to how and when they’re implementing new features.

4. Put identity at the core of your app

Many apps used to assume a website visitors would land on to start their session. When it became clear that people often changed their minds and returned to a website to complete their transactions, these apps often introduced a “next step” button for users to trigger the app for the final stage. But for some reason, as platforms and advertising continue to evolve, this “next step” button is no longer sufficient. Today, the only legitimate next steps an app can serve are to read a short message, check out a webpage, download a piece of content, and so on. But if the last step is the one customers choose to take, then developers need to ensure the application can support every possible customer experience.

5. Keep up with trends and opportunities

Know what customers are looking for, and plan to stay ahead of the curve. Identify trending and relevant trends and opportunities, then develop a game plan to turn those opportunities into something customers love.

As a result, services that keep people connected are likely to gain in popularity, along with those that simplify daily tasks for the user, like food delivery apps.

With mobile devices, users are constantly scanning the horizon to see where to go next, searching for something they might not know about.


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